Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day Three: Eight Ways To Win Your Heart

1. Be passionate about something. I don't care what it is, but there's nothing worse than someone who doesn't have any passions or interests. It's especially nice if you are passionate about something different from what I'm passionate about, because I like to learn about new things.
2. Don't be boring. Be spontaneous. There's nothing better than someone who is down for anything. That being said, be willing to stay in and just chill with me too. Versatile is the word I'm looking for, I think.
3. Care, but don't be annoying about it. Clingy and hyper-sensitive people are really annoying but it's also annoying to deal with someone who constantly acts like they don't care.
4. I care about the small things and minor details, a lot. Enough said.
5. Respect the things that mean a lot to me, as well as the people who mean a lot to me. Let me have my own opinions and a life separate from you sometimes.
6. Notice the small things that I really take pride in. There are so many aspects of my personality and opinions, etc. that I always secretly hope other people will notice. It makes me really happy when someone actually notices these things.
7. Be my best friend. I could never be with someone I couldn't spend hours talking to or have tons of fun with. If you don't make me laugh, it's not going to work. Basically if you don't meet all the qualifications of a best friend, you're probably not going to win my heart.
8. Be honest and trustworthy. I don't like bull shit and I've dealt with enough of it in the past, so I really only have tolerance for people who don't need to lie for no reason. I really think dishonesty is pointless and untrustworthiness is one of the worst qualities a person can possess.

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