Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day Four: Seven Things That Cross Your Mind A Lot

1. All of the things I have to do that day/that week/whatever. There's literally so much on my agenda ALL THE TIME that my mind is just one big whirlwind of plans.
2. My friends. Not kidding when I say that if I know one of my friends is probably having a rough day or is sad, etc... it will cross my mind multiple times. That's probably when you'll get a text from me.
3. My mom. There's at least 5 things per day that I want to call and tell her. I usually do.
4. My future and what the hell I'm doing with it.
5. How tired I am. I don't sleep. I'm a vampire.
6. Things I want to buy but probably don't need. Lately this has been concert tickets. But I've finally bought a sufficient number of them that I'm feeling okay about it.
7. Money and how I have none, ever.

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