Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day Seven: Four Turn Offs

1. I've said this a million times, but I'll say it again. I can't stand guys who claim that they can't trust anyone because one person broke their trust in the past. I don't care how many people have hurt you. Get over it. That doesn't mean shit about the next person you're going to meet and it sure as hell doesn't mean anything about me. I'm not her. Also, in my experience, it's these people that are actually the most untrustworthy themselves (go figure). On that note, I also can't stand ex-girlfriend drama. Yeah, I get it, you care about her a lot and you dated for a long time and she was the only girl who was "different" and you loved her. Yup. Been there, too. But at some point you need to learn to put the past in the past before it closes doors in your present and indirectly, your future. People need to learn to let things go so they don't hold themselves back from people with someone who is right for them. Drives me nuts.
2. Extreme arrogance and/or cockiness. I guess mostly because these generally lead to asshole tendencies. I'm glad you're confident and you think you're great, but that doesn't give you the right to walk all over other people or treat them like their feelings mean nothing. I promise you, you're not that attractive. You're not that interesting, or talented, or funny, or popular. Confidence is sexy. Arrogance is repulsive.
3. Lack of depth. If you can't hold a conversation about anything deeper than your plans this weekend, no thanks. I don't care what you're interested in, but I do care that you can talk about it and express yourself. I don't think I could ever be with someone I couldn't talk to for hours, if we wanted to. I think it's a part of chemistry, too. It coincides with being with someone who makes you feel comfortable. It also coincides with intelligence. Moral: if you're not intelligent and can't hold an intelligent conversation, I'm going to get bored of you.
4. Bad taste in music. Sounds trivial, but the type of music you like seriously says bounds about the kind of person you are. If we like similar music, or hell, even if you like something other than JUST country or JUST shitty radio rap.... you have a pretty decent chance of being an interesting person.


  1. My 4 turn offs

    1. Arrogance
    2. Materialism
    3. Easily influenced by others
    4. No goals or ambition in life

  2. The last one is really hard for me to deal with, too. Huge turn off.
