Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day one: ten things you want to say to ten different people right now

1. Sometimes I wish you would decide to come home for entirely selfish reasons. Like, for instance, how I've never had a can't-live-without-each-other-glued-together-inseparable best friend and you are mine. You're it for me. You're my other half, you're all I need to make my bad days a little better. Your ridiculous antics and self-diagnosed flaws are a perfect puzzle fit to mine. More often than not, I wish you were here more than I wish anyone were here.
2. I've given up on hating everything you are because it's not worth it. We're much better off as the close friends we once were, but sometimes I just can't stand you.
3. You're on my mind more than I'm comfortable admitting to. The most minute details in my daily life remind me of you and make me miss you so much my heart hurts. I won't admit to anyone directly that you have anywhere near this big of an effect on my life.
4. I think you are an amazing person. I think you sell yourself short too often, and I think a lot of your friends do too. At least that's how it used to be. And for your sake, I hope it isn't anymore. You're one of the most genuinely beautiful people I know.
5. I'm not sure when my interest in you turned to genuine dislike, but I do not like you anymore. You're honestly hardly even worth a remark, but I'll go there. You're a lying, self-serving bastard in every sense of the word so I'm still shocked that there are people in your life who trust you at all. I deleted your number yesterday. I hope to never hear from you again. PS. It's not bad luck when you're just a piece of shit.
6. I wish you could handle being friends better than you do. I'd like to be your friend. I just can't deal with feeling like that awful bitch who broke your heart and ruined your life. PS, I'm sorry for all the things I've done that hurt you. You're a masochist for loving me.
7. Sometimes the smallest things can make me cry because of you, like how my laundry doesn't smell quite like yours anymore or how your mom van drove past me today but it didn't have your license plate and it certainly wasn't you. There are days when there's a knock at the door and more than anyone else, I wish for it to be you.
8. I love you, and I hope you can change your life around. If not for yourself, for him. He's too young and too beautiful to be fatherless.
9. I wish I saw you more often. You're my best friend of nearly half of my life and I love you so much. Some of the best times of my life were spent with you, and I want you to be there for them all. You will be my maid of honor someday. You will be there pulling crazy antics with me when we're seventy. You'll be there through the lows and highs. You will be my best friend forever.
9. I hope you realize that I really do love you. I'm sorry I'm not a very good friend and neither are you. I wish we had decided to love each other on the same level at the same time. I'm going to miss you.
10. I don't know what it is about you, but I just can't get tired of you. Despite all the awkward situations your fights with friends have put me in, I still love you. You are my only friend here who I feel this way toward. Something about you is so genuine and it reminds me of where I come from. I'm so glad we're friends.

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