Monday, October 11, 2010

You know what I find amusing?

Why, okay, I'll tell you.

It happens quite often, in fact. Which is really unfortunate for a good half of the population.
Enough mystery and suspense!
I'll tell you already!

It's really amusing when a boy just happens to wind up in the life (and/or bed) of a girl he thinks is just fine, dandy and rational (enough, for a female anyway)...
but unbeknown to him, that bitch is crazy in its purest form.

You poor, poor soul. All of you who fall for the toils and tricks of the deranged and backward female mind.
I'm not trying to say I'm immune to the occasional bout of crazy, but you have no idea what you're getting yourself into.

As a side (yet related) note, what's with females and their creepy statements like "I want a baby!" or "ooh maybe I should buy an engagement ring for myself?" No, bitch. You're insane.

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