Monday, October 18, 2010

I never pretended like I'm a nice person to everyone in the world. I'm a self-proclaimed asshole.
But I stand firmly behind the statement that strangers and true friends are the only 2 groups of people I am ferociously loyal to, always. So if you think I'm mean or a bad person, it's not that I don't care, generally speaking. I care a lot. I care about things and people and ideas and minute details that I promise you, you will never even begin to comprehend. But I'm not fiercely loyal to everyone in my life, and for good reason. Take from that what you will.

As a side note, everyone is a hypocrite. Including yourself. Any criticism you expend onto others can probably be reflected onto yourself. I may be blunt and unnecessarily harsh and critical at times, but I guess I value the truth and I would expect the same from other people. I'm not making any apologies for that.

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